34 Baron Grove,
Mitcham, UK
United Kingdom
For a lot of people, buying online is still a daunting process. So, we’ve put together a number of your frequently asked questions that we hope will help ease any worries you may have. We try and update and add to these questions as often as we can. If there is anything further you would like to see on this page please contact us.
How do I place an order?

Each one of our product pages contains an option to add to basket. Click on as many items as you'd like and each will be added. If you’re looking for something specific, use the search function to quickly locate your item and then add it to your shopping for checkout. You can then continue shopping until you are ready to pay.
When you have chosen all your items, click on the ‘Checkout’ button and follow the simple instructions on screen to take you through our secure checkout process. If you have any difficulty placing your order online, please do not hesitate to contact us.
You will know that your order has gone through if you receive an immediate e-mail confirmation. If you do not receive a confirming email, email us within 24 hours at Info@steri-7.com
Payment and Shipping

We accept all debit cards and Visa and MasterCard credit cards. Your order and your data will be encrypted by the SSL procedure. Your card will be charged with the purchase. In case of a return, the refund will be made to the relevant card account.
After we have received your order, you’ll receive an order confirmation by e-mail and your order will be shipped as soon as.
All orders received from Monday to Friday until 14.00 GMT are usually processed by us on the same day. Later orders will be shipped the following working day.
Secure ordering & payment options

When you place an order with STERI-7, you can rest assured that the payment information you provide will only be viewed by those with the proper authorisation. Our secure server software encrypts all of your personal information, including credit or debit card number, name, and address, so that it cannot be read as the information travels across the Internet.
STERI-7 respects your privacy completely. We will not disclose your name, e-mail address or any information about you to anyone. We are committed to protecting your privacy. We use the information we collect on this site to fulfil your requests and enhance your overall experience. We do not sell, trade, or rent your personal information to others.
Returns & refunds

All STERI-7 customers are entitled to return their products within 14 -days of receiving their order. Provided the items are un-opened, unused and in their original packaging and accompanied by a valid proof of purchase, we’ll offer a full refund.
This does not affect your statutory rights.